Deutsche Version

Legal notice, »Impressum«

German law requires an »Anbieterkennzeichnung« for websites, which is commonly called »Impressum« and generally takes the form of a disclaimer or legal notice. This is it:

The contents of this site has been carefully selected. It is based on the author's current best knowledge. However, I am always grateful for hints and corrections.

Claas Kazzer
Thierbacher Str. 8
04277 Leipzig, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 – 33 19 025

VAT ID: DE258591465

info[AT SIGN]claas-kazzer[DOT]de

Responsible editor (content) pursuant § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Claas Kazzer (address see above)

Paul Fuchs: Schellbitzhöhe.

Paul Fuchs - Schellbitzhoehe Exhibition catalogue, Denkmalschmiede Hoefgen, Edition Waechterpappel, 2004. Contribution: Translations.